Friday, March 9, 2012

How is Your Company Performance Trending? It’s All in the Employee Factor

The Kenexa High Performance Institute (KHPI) released their WorkTrends Report for 2011 – 2012. Engagement Levels in Global Decline: Organizations Losing Competitive Advantage. While the focus of this report demonstrates survey trends from 31,000 workers in 28 countries, it shares practical steps for leaders to address the unmet needs of employees today.

Three practical steps to improve employee engagement levels are:
1. Work/Life Balance
2. A Mirror Test for Leadership
3. Training Opportunities for Employees

Each organization must take the time to decide what works best in your environment. All brainstorming begins with spending time with your employees and going beyond a survey to ongoing, meaningful communication. Helping employees to connect the dots between their goals and the company goals are critical. Relevant feedback for employees regarding their overall performance, skills and career objectives goes a long way to improve the connections to employee satisfaction.

Are you utilizing your current employee performance management system to capture multiple interactions with your employees? Do your employees view the Employee Performance Management process as valuable to increase their ability to be successful in your organization?

Several research studies show a direct correlation between employee engagement and bottom line company profitability. Utilizing employee performance evaluation software can increase your effectiveness to manage real time, frequent feedback that is captured in a solution to connect results to goal attainment. Your employees deserve the best communication culture to increase their engagement levels.

Your competitive advantage will make you a survivor. Fostering a highly engaged workforce will improve your financial and company performance. Are you ready to make the commitment to make it happen?

About BullseyeEvaluation: Bullseye Evaluation offers a web based solution to help shift the culture of expectations for your company process. At Bullseye performance management systems, we believe HR Professionals are operational and strategic partners when managing an organization. Visit our website at and let us show you how to focus on the employee and not just the form.