Monday, July 23, 2012

Performance Management Systems for precise employee appraisals

Employee Evaluation or Performance Appraisal of the employees plays a very crucial role in the success of an organization. Properly carried out employees work evaluations can lower the distracting factors and encourage trust within the organization and its employees. These feedbacks help in the establishment and supervision of employees’ career goals and thus making the employees more productive for an organization.

Performance Appraisal is done on annual basis in many organizations. But appraisals conducted more frequently (more than once a year) may have good significance for both the organization and employees according to the survey. Performance management has a remarkable effect on the organization and the employees. Thus this area must be focused with equal importance when considering the planning of the organization goals. A well constructed and implemented appraisal plan can be a valuable tool for establishing the communication with employees as pertaining to how their job performance stands with organizational expectations.

Manual appraisals may take huge efforts and even the end results will not be accurate. HR has to invest much of his time conducting the appraisals of each and every employee individually. Even the employees feel insecure about their feedbacks thus making them unsatisfied towards their work and the supervisors. Nevertheless, supervisors will sometimes rate employees more favorably than that of their true achievements in order to please the employees and considering their positive behavior or their behavior towards them. These evaluations will not be appropriate and may have a bad impact on some hard working employees.

Many employees are not satisfied with these appraisals in the organizations according to the survey results. Receiving feedback of their work can be uncomfortable and distressful sometimes and can potentially cause tension between supervisors and subordinates. Sometimes these appraisals may even result in legal issues if not executed appropriately. So, there must be a good plan implemented for performance management. How performance is managed in an organization determines to a large extent the success or failure of the organization.

 Effective Performance Management Solution is to implement the right Performance management systems or Appraisal system in an organization. These will have many beneficial effects on an organization front. These systems save much of the HR time by executing a paperless appraisal process. This solution will enhance the overall performance of an organization to greater extent.

Performance management systems are employed to manage and align all of an organization's resources in order to achieve highest possible performance. They manage and maintain all the records of the employees and effectively measure them in evaluating the appraisals of the individual employees. The complete appraisal process will be automated thus 100% accurate. There will be no negative response or view of any employee. All the staff will be evaluated based on their performance.

These performance management systems ensure confidentiality to the appraisal process. These systems keep the track of career growth for better planning of all the employees and their associated tasks. All the employees get their individual appraisal forms and get review results online. The administration or the organizational heads will have an easy access to these systems with accessible KPA Dashboards to keep all the employees performance on track. Learn more at

KPI Dashboards Link HCM Metrics to Business Strategy Execution

From Jac in a recent column: “For years managers believed their experience was better than that of a bunch of number crunchers. Today, most managers accept that their estimations are seldom as accurate as a statistical analysis.

Analysis does not start with numbers. It starts with thinking and asking questions. It starts at the strategic level looking for the macro forces that affect the way you manage talent today, and more importantly, how you will manage it tomorrow. It is about constructing and understanding the context within which you now operate and will operate for the near future. It breaks the complex topic into small sections to get the better understanding of the concept.

Case in point, a prospective client wanted to evaluate the ROI of HR services in an organization. As we talked, it was clear the company had not spent much, if any, time consciously aiming its services specifically at the corporate KPIs. Most say they do, but few companies can show direct connections.
Given that gap, what difference would it make which numbers we come up with? I had to take executives
back to the beginning and ask questions such as:

• What are the major initiatives of your company now and into the near future?

• What outside forces impact your company?

• What is happening inside your company that is helping or hindering accomplishment of objectives?

Once we got clear on those types of strategic issues, the rest of the analysis went quickly.
Jac hits the solution square on when he discusses the trick to being strategic is to forget you work in HR and to believe you are a top executive of the company. The key of being strategic is to understand the firm's vision, mission, values and strategies. As the top executive of the company you should be ready to develop strategic plans it in a way that is easily translatable into action plans.
Step number two is to embed HCM metrics with work metrics with KPI Dashboards so that every employee has their own personalized KPI dashboard that connects their daily activities to team performance and corporate objectives.

For organizations with hundreds of sales representatives, the responsibilities can be organized hierarchically, and view permissions by user can also organized accordingly with this dashboards. KPI dashboards provide business users with an easy to use, easy to visualize means of displaying and measuring key company data. This key company data is known as a Key Performance Indicator. The KPI dashboard is typically designed for measuring performance of an organization. The KPIs behind the KPI dashboards are known as performance metrics and are core business measurements designed to measure operational performance. Look back at the images above.

KPI Dashboards are powerful tools for ensuring the front-lines know how to take action based on metrics and information. They are designed for both the executive who is managing all the staff as well as the sales manager keeping track of just his own sales record.

KPI Dashboards Link HCM Metrics to get the right information to the right users at the right time to optimize decisions, enhance efficiency, and accelerate results in an organization.

Do you want your employees to manage from reports or from KPI Dashboards? Learn more at

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Performance Management Systems for Higher Educational sector

Performance Management is the basics for any type of organization. This is needed to accomplish specific goals of the organization and to know where exactly it wants to reach in near future or long term future. With rapid advancements in the business environment there are Performance Management Systems organizations need to adapt to overcome all the new changes in the field. The responsibility for an organization to be sure that their projects and activities are regulated with overall strategic goals and business objectives is very fussy and very challenging tasks to be handled.

Foremost Higher Education sectors should obtain such technical trends. Higher Education Students should be managed effectively by performing tests for knowing their knowledge, feelings, thinking to form a sound moral character within the organization. Moral character of Higher Education students in the formation process involves a lot of conflicts, especially between the positive factors and negative factors of different participants. Implementing of Higher Education Management Systems helps to resolve all the issues and conflicts arising from the students so that further education steps further. With these systems it becomes easy for the management to handle all such areas.

With the advancement of technology in every field the educational sector has also started implementing new technologies and solutions for better functioning and management of the educational institute. There are various Performance Management Systems which helps the Higher Education authorities to efficiently manage their school routines, student details and everything related to the institution, the staff and all the students. So most of the schools tend to use Performance Management Systems software and has effectively implemented them within their staffs and students for getting overall flow in the institute.

Higher Education Management Systems software serves the public and private school community by providing exceptional, personalized service to each and every client in educational sector. This powerful and user friendly Performance Management Systems software allow you to track data, analyze trends and opportunities, and report students information easily and accurately on regular basis. This system keeps the teachers and students up to date with their coursework, enables them to track academic progress, and keeps the lines of communication open for the inmates as well the associates all the time.

Implementing Performance Management Systems for higher education sector will effectively organize performance metrics on faculty, staff, and leadership based on the institutions structure. It provides timely student survey results with a variety of viewing options for the data such as pie charts, KPI dials, and bar charts for easy understand purpose. This system Improves communication at all levels within the institution in order to align the organization with the institutional goals.

Higher Education Management Systems with this system makes it simpler to notify the students and parents with online notice board, E-mail, SMS regarding attendance, fees, events, examination, results, performance, reports etc. Every student will be given unique ID's to access these information. With this system the complete working process has been simplified both for the students and for the staff too.

About BullseyeEvaluation: BullseyeEvaluation is a performance management solutions company that optimizes organizational performance of companies, nonprofits, and academic Higher Education institutions. We are dedicated to formulating the right solutions for our customers and the ongoing care required for optimizing their performance management through our solutions. For further details visit