Monday, June 25, 2012

Employee recognition increase motivation, engagement and productivity

According to a recent survey employees are not satisfied with the quantity or quality of feedback.
  • Only 1 in 10 American employees are “very satisfied” with their job.
  • 59 percent of employees are not satisfied according to a recent 2012 SHRM survey, contrasting with 42% of HR professionals
Employee recognition increases motivation, engagement and productivity. It allows managers and peers to reinforce positive behaviors 360-degree feedback and recognition is provided on a frequent basis. Employee recognition is the timely, informal or formal acknowledgement of a person’s or team’s behavior, effort or business result that supports the organization’s goals and values, and which has clearly been beyond normal expectations.
Annual or semiannual reviews are not frequent. Employees who receive recognition throughout the year are more satisfied in their roles compared to those who only receive it once or twice a year.
Of those who receive ongoing feedback and praise throughout the year:
  • 75 percent are satisfied with the level of recognition they receive for doing a good job at work, compared to 42 percent who only receive annual feedback.
  • 91 percent think their manager or supervisor acknowledges and appreciates them at work, versus 60 percent who only get annual reviews. Read the full article here from Derek Irvine.
  • Nearly a third of the workforce is significantly disengaged.
There are two aspects to employee recognition. The first aspect is to actually see, identify or realize an opportunity to praise someone. If you are not in a receptive frame of mind you can easily pass over many such opportunities. This happens all too frequently. The other aspect of employee recognition is, of course, the physical act of doing something to acknowledge and praise people for their good work. These recognitions will have a great impact on the employee’s performance and yields much better and faster outcomes.
 Benefits of the timely Employee recognition on the employee’s performance:
·         Increases individual productivity of the employee’s.
·         Provides greater employee satisfaction and enjoyment of work – employee’s more time spent focusing on the job and less time complaining.
·         Direct performance feedback for individuals and teams is provided making them more enthusiastic towards their contribution to the organization.
·         Higher loyalty and satisfaction scores from customers.
·         Teamwork between employees is enhanced.
·         Retention of quality employees increases – lower employee turnover.
·         Better safety records and fewer accidents on the job.
·         Lower negative effects such as absenteeism and stress.
Traditionally, employee recognition has not been an important appraisal activity, but now implementing timely appraisals and employee recognition can be a motivation in an organization. If you are a human resource manager, you can initiate it in your area. You could start doing it deliberately, not even telling others about the change, but doing it and observing the results yourself. We can conclude that Employee recognition is a key success factor even at higher levels of management.

About BullseyeEvaluation: BullseyeEvaluation is a performance management solutions company that optimizes organizational performance of companies, nonprofits, and academic Higher Education institutions. We are dedicated to formulating the right solutions for our customers and the ongoing care required for optimizing their performance management through our solutions. For further details visit

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